Saturday 28 December 2013


Though the issue of global warming is nothing new to us, we are still not able to curtail it or its harmful effects.
Global warming is negatively affecting life on earth, and things will continue to get worse if we do not control the factors resulting in global warming.
Since the 1950s, the climb in average temperature of the earth’s environment is affecting the natural balance. Global warming is harmfully affecting life on earth, and things will continue to worsen if we do not control the factors leading to global warming.
The extensive burning of fossil fuel began with the industrial revolution, which is in fact is a major source of greenhouse gas releases, especially carbon dioxide. Industrial development, coal mining, gas field leakages and car emissions all contribute to the occurrence of global warming. 
 Agriculture is another major cause of global warming. About 14% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are released by agriculture and farming. Livestock farming, on the other hand, emits huge amounts of methane, a major contributor to world’s greenhouse gases. Conditions are made worse by deforestation and using the cleared land for farming, thus contributing to a vicious cycle.

Global warming is a serious issue which needs immediate attention of the scientific community, governments, corporate sector and consumers of industrial and agricultural products. We need to learn to curtail our consumption rates and ensure the preservation of the earth’s resources. Above all, we need to respect our planet and the life on it, its natural reserves and its conservation. 

Thursday 26 December 2013

Oxygen and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is the nest most important organ next to the brain. It sends signals from and to the brain. It is a collection of nerves which is bound together for reception and delivery of commands and signals to the rest of the body. When the spinal cord is damaged, these signals get disrupted, failing to reach the brain. This causes back pain, difficulty in walking or paralysis in severe cases. Spinal cord injuries are usually started with a fracture or dislocation of vertebrae, the bone disks which make the spinal cord.  A spinal cord gets injured when pieces of vertebrae, tear into the cord tissue or presses on nerves which carry signals to the brain.

Damaging the spinal cord should be dealt with utmost urgency, only then it can reduce the long-term effects. Medicines, braces or traction to stabilize the spine and surgery are a few of the treatments used for spinal injuries. Rehabilitation therapy for spinal cord injuries is an essential element in the treatment.
A recent study has shown that the treatment of spinal cord can be cured by providing the bpdy with a proper amount of Oxygen. The oxygen treatment releases a brain chemical named serotonin, which transmits messages from one nerve cell to another. Low oxygen levels release growth factors which repair the nerves and improve their plasticity. The study showed positive responses as they were in a position to walk 33 feet before the oxygen treatment and afterwards an increase in the distance in six minutes by 328 feet was observed.

Bentham Science Publishers is a well-known name in the publishing industry. One of its eBook is “Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Central Nervous System Volume 1” that presents the latest research and clinical studies on the central nervous system (CNS). It covers a range of topics such as the development and pathophysiology of the brain and spinal cord, physiological sites of drug action in the CNS and clinical findings on drugs used to treat CNS defects due to injury or impaired development. 

Saturday 21 December 2013

Narcolepsy-A Neurological Disorder:

It is a neurological disorder triggered as a result of brain`s failure to regulate sleep-wake cycles. The patients suffering from this medical condition can experience excessive sleep during day time and cataplexy. Hallucinations, sleep-paralysis and Insomnia are some of the major symptoms of this disorder.
The researchers have discovered that the narcolepsy patients have blood T cells which react to a particular hyprocretin protein. T cells are an essential part of immune system which fights against infection. It might be possible to treat narcolepsy with an immune-suppressing therapy.
Bentham Science Publishers is one of the remarkable STM publishers in the world. CNS &Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments on the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, genomics and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and central nervous system (CNS) disorders. This journal publishes guest edited thematic issues written by leaders in the field covering a range of current topics of CNS & neurological drug targets. For further details, please visit:

Friday 20 December 2013


The CNN health clarifies that Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) is a behavioral disorder distinguished by intense expressions of anger. Inflammation is the body`s effort to prevent the body from internal and external pathogens. Whenever the body experiences a danger, it responds by blowing up the specific body organ and starts the healing procedure.

Every time when the anger is triggered, the patients affecting with the Intermittent Explosive Disorder completely lose control on minor issues, hurt people and throw belongings.

Through research analysis, it is concluded that the elevated level of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein which indicates inflammation in blood, are said to be interconnected with the aggressive and impulsive behavior in people.

The affected patients can be treated with the help of behavioral therapy and medication, even though these procedures are less efficient. Other medical complications are also associated with the people suffering from this disorder such as stroke, arthritis and heart attack.

Bentham Science Publishers is one of the remarkable STM publishing companies. One of their latest journals is “Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets”. This journal has become essential reading for all pharmaceutical scientists involved in drug discovery and development.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Schizophrenia And Smoking!! What’s The Connection?

One of the most complex mental disorders – Schizophrenia, involves chronic and severe disabling in the brain. The cause for this illness is still unknown, though researchers believe that this chemical imbalance is multifactorially inherited, which means that there are many factors involved for its cause.  A combination of genes from parents and other factors that contribute to its development are genetic, behavioral and environmental.

According to WHO, Schizophrenia affects about 24 million people worldwide. Men and women are equally affected; however its symptoms appear earlier in men than in women.  Usually men are affected in early teens or 20s, whereas women suffer from it during 20s or early 30s. Children suffer from the same symptoms as adults, although they only experience auditory hallucinations early on. Other symptoms appear later in their mid-adolescence or older.
According to a new research, 75 % of the people suffering from schizophrenia smoke. This is a rate thrice as much as the smokers in the general population. Moreover, Schizophrenics inhale more deeply and smoke more frequently than the smokers in general.

Scientists think that nicotine in tobacco may contribute in reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia temporarily. People with this condition are not consciously aware of this addiction, that by smoking they are actually self-medicating. The bad luck however is, that it increases other risk factors like cancer, lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and early death.

Consulting a doctor is important before concluding the symptoms to be schizophrenic, as they may look similar to conditions in other mental disorders.  A psychiatrics then participate in a comprehensive set of mental health evaluation to determine the best treatment for the patient.

Wednesday 18 December 2013


Cancer, a disease the makes the patient weak and tired and eventually causing a painful death. The treatment itself is a process extremely agonizing for the patient. Cancer patients fight a battle that usually causes them to lose. In this hour of depression, cancer patients need a lot of support and empathy, along with proper care from the family and friends as according to Elisabeth Kubler Ross:
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” (Elisabeth Kubler-Ross)
There are maximum chances of survival for the cancer patients as soon as the disease is detected and proper medications and treatment should be given at priority. There are various types of cancer such as breast cancer, thyroid cancer, blood cancer, lungs cancer etc. For details about breast cancer-its causes and precautionary measures please visit:
The signs and symptoms of the person reaching the final weeks of life include progressive weakness and fatigue, weight loss, dryness of the person`s lips and mouth, loss of interest in all the activities, reduced ability to talk and focus. These symptoms vary from person to person as the person has different metabolism level.
Severe pain often makes it difficult for an affected pserson to feel comfortable as he or she dies. When death occurs, the person's muscles will relax, breathing will stop, the heart will stop beating, and there will be no pulse.

Bentham science has published a number of open access journals online, dedicated to the cause of educating women about this disease.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Formation of Kidney via Stem Cells:

Researchers have designed a procedure that prompts stem cell to organize itself into a mini-kidney which is expected to be a breakthrough development for the patients suffering from kidney diseases.
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs, and a reprocessing machine in our bodies. They are located in the middle and back, below the low rib cage and one on each side of the spine. Every day, a person’s kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood and purify them from waste products and additional water, which eventually become urine. The bladder stores urine until releasing it through urination.

University of Queensland researchers announced on December 13, 2013 that they have created a kidney using stem cells. They are calling it a breakthrough treatment for patients suffering from acute kidney diseases. The field of bioengineering will also have a broader future research prospect with the emergence of these stem cells kidneys.  Her team designed a protocol that prompts stem cells to form all the required cell types to self-organize into a mini-kidney in a dish.
This research could cater some of the demands for transplant organs and improvisation for medical testing of new drugs for kidney related diseases.

Bentham Science Publishers is one of the leading journals in the STM industry. It has journals and eBooks pertaining to topics from science, medicine, technology and the like. One of its high impact factor journals is “Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy”  having articles on the current development.