is a process which involves body’s way of fighting against external and
internal pathogen. When the body is under a threat, it reacts by inflating a
particular body part. Inflating serves as a red alert and healing process
healing process is body’s inborn way to protect our immune system. For
instance, if your ankle gets strained, the body’s response would be to inflate
that particular area, so that healing could start. It not only heals wounds
speedily, but effectively. When an inflammation is felt in the body, our
instance, response is to soothe it by resting.
The basic reason aim of inflammation is to heal anything which is
harming our bodies.
is of two kinds; acute and chronic. In acute inflammation, the body reacts once
it gets septic with infections. It shows symptoms of redness, pain and heat
swelling on the injury. At this point, the acute inflammation treats the
injured tissues and reverts back, but if acute inflammation gets prolonged it
becomes chronic. Chronic inflammation stays on the infected tissue for many
Bentham Science
Publishers is one of the leading
STM publishing companies. It publishes 116 online and print journals, 150 plus
open access journals, and related print/online book series. One of the eBooks
is “Surgical Inflammation”. Readers of this book will have the chance of
gaining a unique perspective about of the pathophysiological mechanisms
involved in the multiple inflammatory conditions.
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